
Monday 15 October 2012

BossFight - Pyron (Dark Stalkers, 1994)

It's Halloween this month, so I thought, why not write about a spooky boss? Coincidentally, on Friday Capcom announced that they are porting Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge and Darkstalkers 3 to home consoles. I guess that means this month's boss fight has to be Darkstalkers' own super villan, Pyron.

Darkstalkers is full of typically Halloweeny characters, from the vampire, Demitri, the mummy, Anakaris and of course the succubus, Morrigan. The final boss, Pyron, bears more in common with the balrog from Lord of the Rings, with his minotaur-like appearance and his penchant for shrouding himself in flames.
A balrog from Lord of the Rings
Pyron, as drawn by Thevilbrain
In case you don't know much about Pyron, the Capcom Database has this to say about him:
"Originally, he came to Earth 65 million years ago and created the army of Huitzil robots to destroy life on Earth. It is unknown why Pyron didn't consume Earth back then, though it is assumed to be his lust for more worthy opponents. In the UDON comic, it is explained that Pyron wanted the Earth to "ripen" before harvesting it."
As an opponent, Pyron is a tricky one. At his disposal he has huge fireballs, body-morphing drill attacks, firey spinning blades, pillars of fire and burning force fields that can trap an opponent. Oh yeah and he's ALWAYS ON FIRE!

Here he is in action on the PlayStation version of the original Darkstalkers: The Night Warrior.

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