This month I have a Space Invaders clone, a Breakout/Arkanoid clone and a modern fighting game that inspired this feature in the first place.
Skull Girls
Developer: | Revenge Labs |
Publisher: | Autumn Games/Konami |
Platforms: | XBLA/PSN(PS3) |
Price: | 1200MSP/£10.99 |
Demo available: | Yes |
What is it?
If you like Guilty Gear or Blaz Blue, check out Revenge Labs's debut, Skull Girls, which actually hit Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network for PS3 a couple of months ago. There may only be eight combatants, but Revenge Labs have done a great done of making sure they are as different from one another as possible. There's also a pretty solid tutorial mode, which Revenge hopes will teach people who are new to fighters how things like combos, launchers, cancels and juggles work.Titan Attacks
Developer: | Puppy Games |
Publisher: | Steam/independent |
Platforms: | PC |
Price: | £2.99 |
Demo available: | Yes/No |
What is it?
Almost as soon as it was released in 1978 people started copying Space Invaders' formula. Most of the time developers do nothing to distinguish themselves from the pack, but Puppy Games manage to be both be highly retro and brilliantly redesigned at the same time. As well as the usual wave-based, single-screen action you'd expect from a Space Invaders clone, Titan Attacks includes an upgrade shop, which appears at the end of every level. If you simply want to survive you can top up your shield after each wave, but if you want to power up your tank, you need to save your coppers for several levels. Whether it's worth the wait is entirely up to you.WoOOPup
Developer: | Bedroom Studio Entertainment |
Publisher: | Independent |
Platforms: | XBox Live Indie Games |
Price: | 80MSP |
Demo available: | Yes |
What is it?
Breakout clones are even more commonplace than Space Invaders clones, but good ones are rare. WoOOPup! by Bedroom Studios is easily the best on Microsoft's Xbox Live Indie Games service. While not as distinctive as Shatter, WoOOPup has very high production values and a few new ideas of its own, including coins that appear when you break a block and can only be collected by the ball, stackable power ups and coin collecting bonus rounds.That does it for this month. Check the Worth a Look tag in the coming months for more tasty, arcade-inspired treats.